To Re-educate oneself to Citizenship within the Cultural Pluralism

  • Elvira Martini "University of Sannio"
  • Francesco Vespasiano "University of Sannio"


In a world dominated by pluralism and where ‘diversity is reality’, the extension of citizenship becomes a hot topic of the conflict of modernity, so much so that many have discussed the possibility of a primacy of human rights on the citizen rights (Walzer, 2014). This theme arouses reflection on the conditioning that the physical and social borders have on processes of identification. If, then, the current political situation is marked by fear, humiliation, hope (Moïsi, 2009), the question that arises is this: how is it possible to promote the value of otherness for every human face, recognized as identical and at the same time to pursue the defence of its boundary beyond which the difference arises? To answer may be useful to educate oneself to a practice to emotions, “rediscovering the pervasiveness of different cultural processes […] and the power that these have to model individual interests expressed in social actions†(Colafato, 1998, p. 10).

Author Biographies

Elvira Martini, "University of Sannio"
Department of economics law and quantitative methods
Francesco Vespasiano, "University of Sannio"
Department of economics law and quantitative methods


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